class method description Input example Output example Remark
AggregationResult object get(Type type) Returns the aggregation result      
Container void create_index(string column_name, IndexType index_type=DEFAULT, name=None) Creates a specified type of index on the specified Column      
void drop_index(string colum_name, IndexType index_type=DEFAULT, name=None) Removes the specified type of index among indexes on the specified Column      
void flush() Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data loss even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly      
boolean put(list[object] row) Newly creates or update a Row row = [1, "val"]    
Query query(string query) Creates a query to execute the specified TQL statement      
ContainerType type Read-only attribute      
void abort() Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode      
void commit() Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode      
void set_auto_commit(boolean enabled) Change the setting of the commit mode      
list[object] get(object key) Returns the content of a Row corresponding to Row key   [1, "val"]  
boolean remove(object key) Deletes a Row corresponding to Row key      
void multi_put(list[list[object]] row_list) Newly creates an arbitrary number of Rows together based on the specified Row objects group row_list =
[[1, "val1"], [2, "val2"]]
AggregationResult aggregate_time_series(object start, object end, Aggregation type, string column_name=None) Performs an aggregation operation based on the specified start and end times. This function is used only by TIME_SERIES container type.      
Query query_by_time_series_range(object start, object end, QueryOrder order=QueryOrder.ASCENDING) Creates a query to obtain a set of Rows within a specific range between the specified start and end times. This function is used only by TIME_SERIES container type.     Function doesn't throw exception when parsing invalid data (for example : negative value to start/end parameters). The GSException will be thrown in Query.fetch() function.
Query query_by_time_series_sampling(object start, object end, list[string] column_name_list, InterpolationMode mode, int interval, TimeUnit interval_unit) Creates a query to take a sampling of Rows within a specific range. This function is used only by TIME_SERIES container type.    
QueryAnalysisEntry list get() Returns one of information entries composing a query plan and the results of analyzing a query operation   [1, 3, "xxx", "yyy", "zzz", "ppp"]  
GSException boolean is_timeout Read-only attribute      
int get_error_stack_size() Returns the stack size of last error information related to specified resource      
int get_error_code(int stack_index) Returns the error code of last error related to specified resource      
string get_message(int stack_index) Returns the message of last error related to specified resource      
string get_location(int stack_index) Returns the error location of the internal module to the message of last error related to specified resource      
PartitionController int partition_count Read-only attribute      
int get_container_count(int partition_index) Get the total number of containers belonging to a specified partition      
list[string] get_container_names(int partition_index, int start, int limit) Get a list of the Container names belonging to a specified partition   ["container1", "container2", "container3"]  
int get_partition_index_of_container(string container_name) Get the partition index corresponding to the specified Container name      
Query RowSet fetch(boolean for_update=False) Executes a specified query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result      
RowSet get_row_set() Returns RowSet as the latest result      
void set_fetch_options(int limit=None, boolean partial=False) Sets an fetch option for a result acquisition      
RowKeyPredicate Type key_type Read-only attribute      
list[object, object] get_range() Returns the value of Row key at the start and end position of the range condition   [1, 100]
Note: two values means start and end position
void set_range(object start, object end) Sets the value of Row key as the start and end position of the range conditions      
void set_distinct_keys(list[object] keys) Adds the value of  Row key as one of the elements in the individual condition keys = ["val1", "val2", "val3"]    
list[object] get_distinct_keys() Returns a set of the values of the Row keys that configure the individual condition.   ["val1", "val2", "val3"]  
RowSet void remove() Deletes the Row at the current cursor position      
object next()
Note: object is AggregationResult or QueryAnalysisEntry or list[object]
Moves the cursor to the next element in a object set and returns the object at the moved position   [1, "val"]  
RowSetType type Read-only attribute      
int size Read-only attribute      
boolean has_next() Returns whether a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position      
void update(list[object] row) Updates the values except a Row key of the Row at the cursor position, using the specified Row object row = [1, "val"]    
list[string] get_column_names() Get a list of column names   ["ts", "val"]  
Store Container put_container(ContainerInfo info, boolean modifiable=False) Newly creates or update a Container with the specified Container properties      
Container get_container(string name) Get a Container instance whose rows can be processed using a Row object      
void drop_container(string name) Delete a Container with the specified name      
ContainerInfo get_container_info(string name) Get information related to a Container with the specified name      
void fetch_all(list[Query] query_list) Query execution and fetch is carried out on a specified arbitrary number of Query, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible      
void multi_put(dict{string name : list[list[object]] row_list} container_entry) New creation or update operation is carried out on an arbitrary number of rows of a Container, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible container_entry =
{"container1": [[1, "val1"], [2, "val2"]],
"container2": [[1, "val3"], [2, "val4"]]}
dict{string name : list row_list} multi_get(dict{string container_name : RowKeyPredicate predicate} predicate_entry) Returns an arbitrary number and range of Rows in any Container based on the specified conditions, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible predicate_entry =
{"container1":pred1, "container2":pred2}
{"container1": [[1, "val1"], [2, "val2"]],
"container2": [[1, "val3"], [2, "val4"]]}
PartitionContoroller partition_controller Read-only attribute      
RowKeyPredicate create_row_key_predicate(Type type) Creates a matching condition with the specified GSType as the type of Row key      
StoreFactory @staticmethod StoreFactory get_instance() Returns a default StoreFactory instance      
Store get_store(string host=None, int port=None, string cluster_name=None, string database=None, string username=None, string password=None, string notification_member=None, string notification_provider=None) Returns a Store with the specified properties

Note: If this host is multicast address, host/port means notificationAddress/notificationPort for C Client. 
string get_version() Returns the current version of client      
ContainerInfo ContainerInfo(string name, list[list[string, Type]] column_info_list, ContainerType type=COLLECTION, boolean row_key=True, ExpirationInfo expiration=None, string dataAffinity=None) Constructor column_info_list =
[["ts", Type.TIMESTAMP],
["val", Type.LONG, TypeOption.NOT_NULL]]
string name attribute      
list[list[string, Type]] column_info_list attribute [["ts", Type.TIMESTAMP],
["val", Type.LONG, TypeOption.NOT_NULL]]
[["ts", Type.TIMESTAMP],
["val", Type.LONG, TypeOption.NOT_NULL]]
ContainerType type attribute      
boolean row_key attribute      
ExpirationInfo expiration attribute      
string dataAffinity attribute. If attribute is empty, then container will not support affinity function.      
ExpirationInfo ExpirationInfo(int time, TimeUnit unit, int division_count) Constructor      
int time attribute      
TimeUnit unit attribute      
int division_count attribute      
TimestampUtils @staticmethod int get_time_mills(float timestamp) Calculate int-type timestamp in millisecond from datetime.timestamp()      
Note: None can set/get as a field value of Row. It means NULL.