class description
AggregationResult Stores the result of an aggregation operation
Container Provides management functions for sets of row having same type
QueryAnalysisEntry Represents one of information entries composing a query plan and the results of analyzing a query operation.
GSException Represents the exception for GridDB
PartitionController Controller for acquiring and processing the partition status
Query Provides the functions of holding the information about a query related to a specific Container, specifying the options for fetching and retrieving the result
RowKeyPredicate Represents the condition that a row key satisfies
RowSet Manages a set of Rows obtained by a query
Store Provides functions to manipulate the entire data managed in one GridDB system
StoreFactory Manages a Store instance
ContainerInfo Represents the information about a Container
ExpirationInfo Represents the information about a expiration
TimestampUtils Provides the utilities for manipulating time data